“Asier Gabikagojeazkoa” egilearen ezizen literarioa da, bere amama zenaren abizena hautatuta, familiaren leinu bizkaitarraren omenez.
Asier Bilbon jaio zen; gurasoak ere bilbotarrak dira. Txikitatik hizkuntzekiko eta historiarekiko jakinmina erakutsi zuen. Gaztaroan bidaiatzeko grina piztu zitzaion eta laster hurbileko ibilbideei ekin zien.
Deustuko Unibertsitatean ingeniaritza informatikoa ikasita, lau urtez programatzaile lan egin zuen euskal enpresa baterako. Lanpostu hori utzirik, mundu zabala ikusteko gogo biziak bultzatuta Asian barrena ibili zen, ia bi urtez. Handik zebilela, hizkuntzalaritzarako pasioa topatu zuen eta itzuli zenetik euskal filologia ikasten dabil, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean.
Gaztelaniaz, euskaraz, ingelesez eta frantsesez hitz-jario handiz egiten du; japoniera eta alemanera ere luzaro ikasi ditu. Orain errusierari heldu dio.
Erresuma Batuan, Japonian eta Txinan bizi izan da. Egun Gasteizen bizi da.
Ikus bere artikulu guztiak hemen
“Asier Gabikagojeazkoa” is the author’s pen name, having chosen his late grandmother’s surname, in honour of the family’s Biscayan lineage.
Asier was born in Bilbao (Biscay, Basque Country) to parents who are also from Bilbao. Since he was a child, he showed great interest in languages and history. In his early youth he took to travelling and devoted some of his free time to short itineraries nearby.
Having studied computer engineering at the University of Deusto (Bilbao), he worked as a software developer for four years at a Basque company. Boosted by wanderlust, he quit this job and travelled throughout Asia for almost two years. While he was there, he rediscovered his long-standing passion for Linguistics and he’s been studying Basque Linguistics at the University of the Basque Country since he came back.
He speaks fluent Spanish, Basque, English and French; he’s also studied Japanese and German for some time. He’s currently studying Russian.
He’s lived in the United Kingdom, Japan and China. Nowadays he lives in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava, Basque Country).
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